Sunday, September 20, 2009

A Brief Confession from a Pathological Superhero...

I'm sorry. I'm afraid that I have a confession to make. Are you ready for this? ...I am not superman. Yes. That's right. I, Jarrett Davis, am NOT Superman. Some of you may laugh at a confession such as this, but... I'm 100% serious here. I am not Superman.
I must confess that I have been deluded by this fantasy from time to time. I get this idea that I should be able to do all things, please everyone, oblige every request, have enough money to pay for school, and then be able to write something "publish-able" in reflection of the things that I have accomplished. Well, let me be the first to attest that... I can not. I can not please all people at all times. I can not always be ready and happy to oblige at all times, while still fulfilling all of my school requirements, AND being able to pay for it all. I can not be a connoisseur of cultural etiquette for the entire Asia-pacific and also western world. I can not spell the word "connoisseur" without referring to spell check.
Now that we have that straight, I would like to tell you of some things that I CAN do. I can be honest (although it is hard, at times). I can tell you when I'm a little overwhelmed (also, difficult). I can give and receive honest affection (but I'm only the honest kind). I can do many things... and I can do those things well, but not everything-- I never have and a never will.
All this being said, I may not (once in a while) not be able to offer you my all. I may (on seldom occasion) be culturally obtuse. There is even the possibility that I may not be practically perfect in every way (and yes, that is from Mary Poppins).
This may seem simple or trite, but I feel that this confession is an imperative for me at this time in my life. I'm NOT superman, nor should I try to BE Superman. No cape, no tights, no red boots or socially awkward red underwear. Just an average, mild-mannered MA-student, who struggles through the day, and is in need of grace just like the next guy.

There. Now, was that so hard?

Grace, peace, and love (at least as much as I can afford),
