Coming back to the Philippines from India, I was swept into a world of deadlines, requirements, and expectations. The biggest obstacle that I found staring me in the face was my thesis. It was an all-consuming task. I nearly immediately dove into weeks of pouring over recorded interviews and their transcripts, as I did my best to tell the story of a squatter relocation community, which I have given the alias: "Looban". My research looked at the relationship of a particular mission "outreach church" and their "mother-church" in that community. It dealt with the perceptions and self-identities that were formed as the two VERY divergent groups interacted. My research had been on going for the better part of the previous year. Thus, this two month period was kind of a culmination of everything.

I finally defended and passed my thesis defense on November 23rd, 2010 (pending some revisions). I can't tell you the sense of relief and accomplishment it was to hear those final words from our Academic dean--putting an end to the work of more than a year. The defense came in just enough time, because just three days later I had a flight booked for the United States. My final days in Manila were like a marathon. They were intense and stressful. It seemed that everything was demanded from me at once. There was little sleep, many tasks, and no time. It was a piercing headache that lasted nearly a week. That is why it is so important that I plan my travel the way that I do.

A day or so later my plane touched down in Columbus, Ohio where I was greeted by my family and a group of my closest friends. We have made a wonderful tradition of going out to Steak and Shake--directly from the airport-- to share stories and update one another on our lives. It happens nearly every time I come back. It makes me love that group of people even more.
This brings me up to December. More to come in a few days...
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